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Directory Players from HONG KONG HKG HK Alex, Fred Alvin, Leung Amber, Wong Arifin, Raymond Berlino, Jim Chan, Go Go Chan, Bradley Chan, Turtle Chan, Arthur Chan, Sony Chao, Jeremy Chen, Peter Cheng, Jeff Cheung, Matthew Cheung, Nick Chi Fung, Yiu Chiwa, Wong Cho, Jay Chong, Maxwell Chow, Keith Chung, James Edmond, Wong Fong, Jeff Fy, Chiu How, Bertrand Huen, Adams Hui, In Wai Hung, Pui Jam, Prashant Josan, Merry Kayiwa, Justice King, Bryan Ko, Chit Kwan, Calvin Kwong, Raymond Lai, Kelvin Lam, Ben Lam, Mingo Law, Gregory Leclercq, Jean Francois Lee, Regan Leg, Lee Lei, Caleb Leong, Lee Lian, Brian Lui, Long Him Mak, Jonathan Mo, Manyu Nga Yu, Hui Ngan, Jonathan Pan, Huang Pau, Thomas Paul, Chan Ray, Ma Rohl Montes, Juan Armando Satchit, Ajay Seiei, Setsuna F. Shinichi, Kudo Siek, Ryan Sum, Felix Szeto, Vendetta Tam, Hoy Tang, Dave Tang, Jack Tlwong, Philip Tse, Trevor Victorii, Fung Wai, Green Wong, Tony Wong, Ellis Wong, Sailing Wong, M. K. Wong, Tipman Wong, Hysan Wong, Pete Yang, Yunyi Yeung, Gordon Yu, Ronald
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Ludgate, Alan (IRL)  [member # 9121] Correspondence chess : 2475 SM Ranked # 37 in the rating list. Rating history : 2498 2498 2465 2483 2481 2481 2475 Graph Future rating : 2474 Games : 1 Result : 50 % Perf : 2452 This member has no profile in the social network .
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